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Seminar & colloquium
[BK21 세미나] 8/16(금) Raudel Avila 교수(Rice University) 2024-08-13

[신소재공학과 BK21 세미나 안내] 


▣ 주   제Mechanical and Bioelectromagnetic Modeling in Bio-integrated Electronics

▣ 연   사: Raudel Avila

 소   속Department of Mechanical Engineering, George R. Brown School of Engineering, William Marsh Rice University

 일시/장소: 2024. 8. 16.(금) 오후 2시 / 제4공학관 D504호

▣ 초   록

Bioelectronics with advanced monitoring, actuation, and stimulation capabilities have garnered considerable interest in expanding patient care beyond traditional hospital and clinic settings. These mechanically soft microsystems, many of which are bioresorbable and wireless, can replace bulky, rigid, and wired medical technologies by matching or exceeding their mechanical and electromagnetic performance. Combined advances in materials, mechanics, and electrical engineering from the foundations of thin, soft electronic/optoelectronic platforms with unique capabilities in wireless monitoring and control of various biological processes in cells, tissues, and organs through different characterization and stimulation platforms (e.g., light/drugs, haptics, heat, strain). In this talk, I will discuss computational modeling for biomedical applications, which typically involve a demanding set of considerations in material selection, performance, size, electromagnetic efficiency, and stretchability to enable compliant systems for control, power delivery, actuation, data processing, and communication. 

▣ 연사정보 

Raudel Avila is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Rice University where he directs the Computational Mechanics and Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory. He received a BSc (2017) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso and a PhD (2023) in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University where he worked on developing computational mechanics and electromagnetic models for bioelectronics. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in interdisciplinary journals including Science, Nature, and PNAS and mechanics journals including Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids and the Journal of Applied Mechanics. In 2024, he received the ASME Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal for outstanding contributions to mechanical engineering within 10 years of receiving a BSc. Dr. Avila’s research centers on developing numerical and analytical models for bio-integrated electronics to study the miniaturization, scalability, packaging, power limitations, tissue interactions and energy absorption in biomedical devices.