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Yonsei University.

Jongill Hong
  • 1992.08~1999.08

    Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering Specialized in Solid State Physics, Material Science and Engineering, Stanford University, California, U.S.A.

  • 1999.03~2002.02

    Senior Research Staff Member, Magnetic Recording Technology Laboratory Fujitsu Laboratories Limited, Atsugi, Japan,

  • 2002.03 ~ Present

    Professor, Dept. of Materials science

Research Interests
스핀트로닉스 소재/소자
Selected Publications
1. Giant orbital anisotropy with strong spin-orbit coupling established at the pseudomorphic interface of the Co/Pd superlattice, The paper is finally accepted on Advanced Science (Impact factr:16.81) after 8-year hard working. [2022.05]
2. New record high thermoelectric ZT of delafossite-based CuCrO2 thin films obtained by simultaneously reducing electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity via heavy doping with controlled residual stress, as a co-arthor, Applied Surface Science, vol.583, p.152526 [2022]
3. A Bottom-Electrode Contact: The Most Suitable Structure for Graphene Electronics, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, vol.9, p.2102207 [2022] Selectied as the Cover Image
4. Damage-free hydrogenation of graphene via ion energy control in plasma, Applied Physics Express vol.15, p.015002 [2022]
5. Enhanced Spin-to-Charge Conversion Efficiency in Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Observed by Spintronic Terahertz Spectroscopy, as a co-arthor, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol.13, p.23153 [2021]
6. Electrical patterning of graphene gircuitry by hydrogenation for transparent and flexible devices, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 33, p. 574 [2021.01]
7. Tunable wettability of graphene through non-destructive hydrogenation and wettability-based patterning for bio-applications, Nano Letters, Selected as Supplementary Cover [2020.07]
8. Impact of spin-orbit torque on spin-transfer torque switching in magnetic tunnel junctions, Scientific Report, vol.10, p.2799 [2020.02]
9. Raman study on the effects of annealing atmosphere of patterned graphene, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, vol. 49, p. 183 [2018.01]
10. Effects of Fe insertion in CoFeB in the middle electrode on the properties of MgO double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions, Current Applied Physics, vol. 17, p. 1571 [2017.12]
11. NO2 gas sensor based on hydrogenated graphene, Applied Physics Letters, vol.111, p. 213102 [2017.11]
12. Voltage-assisted magnetic switching in MgO/CoFeB-based magnetic tunnel junctions by way of interface reconstruction, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 9 , p. 42296 [2017.11]
13. High-density array of 10 nm ferromagnetic nano-islands patterned non-destructively by phase transformation with low-energy proton irradiation, Applied Physics Letters, vol.111, p.152401 [2017.10]
14. Fast and efficient STT switching in MTJ using additional transient pulse current, Applied Physics Letters vol.110, p.232401 [2017.05]
15. Analysis of the causes of recurrence after frontalis suspension using silicone rods for congenital ptosis, PLOS one Vol. 12, pp. 0171769 [2017.02]
16. Hydrogenated monolayer graphene with reversible and tunable wide band gap and its field-effect transistor, Nature Communications Vol. 7, pp. 13261 [2016.11]
17. Effect of Tunnel-spin Polarization on Spin Accumulation in the n-type Ge (001)/MgO/Co40Fe40B20, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics vol. 55, p. 90303 [2016.07]
18. Y. Okuno, S. Vantasin, I-S. Yang, J. Son, J. Hong, Y. Tanaka, Y. Nakata, Y. Ozaki, and N. Naka, "Side-illuminated tip-enhanced Raman study of edge phonon in graphene at the electrical breakdown limit", Applied Physics Letters 108 163110 [2016. 4]
19, Jangyup Son, Minkyung Choi, Heechae Choi, Sang Jin Kim, Seungchul Kim, Kwang-Ryeol Lee, Sanpon Vantasin, Ichiro Tanabe, Jongin Cha, Yukihiro Ozaki, Byung Hee Hong, In-Sang Yang,*, and Jongill Hong,* “Structural evolution of graphene in air at the electrical breakdown limit”, Carbon 99 466 [2016. 4]
20. Soogil Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Jangyup Son1, Seung-heon Chris Baek, Seok-Hee Lee, and Jongill Hong*, “Strongly (001)-textured MgO/Co40Fe40B20 spin-tunnel contact on n-type germanium (001) and its spin accumulation: structural modification with ultra-thin Mg insertion by sputtering” Applied Physics Express 9 043005 [2016.04]
21. Taejin Bae, Jungho Ko, Sangho Lee, Jongin Cha, and Jongill Hong*, “Co2MnSi Heusler alloy as an enhancing layer of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions with L10 ordered FePd”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55 013001 [2016.01]
22. Sachin Pathak, Jongill Hong, Jai Chaudhary, and Manish Sharma, “Magneto-optical Kerr effect characterization of electrodeposited Y-junction magnetic nanostructures”, Journal of Applied Physics 117 17A751 [2015. 5]
23. Minseok Kim, Sanghoon Kim, Jungho Ko, and Jongill Hong, “Contribution of individual interfaces in the MgO/Co/Pd trilayer to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy upon annealing”, Applied Physics Letters 106 102404 [2015. 3]
24. Eikhyun Cho, Sanghoon Kim, Sang Chul Shin, Jungjin Han, Jongmyeong Shim, Ryung Shin, Jongill Hong, and Shinill Kang, “Formation of multilayered magnetic nanotracks with perpendicular anisotropy via deoxidization using ion irradiation on UV-imprinted intaglio nanostructures”, Applied Physics Letters 106 043104 [2015. 2]
25. Myungjin Han, Boram Kim, Yi-An Chen, Hyojung Lee, Seung-Han Park, Eunji Cheong, Jongill Hong, Gunhee Han, and Youngcheol Chae, “Bulk Switching Instrumentation Amplifier for a High-Impedance Source in Neural Signal Recording”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Ⅱ 62, 194 [2015. 2]
26. Sachin Pathak, Sukhvinder Singh, Rajmani Gaur, and Manish Sharma, “Experimental studies and micromagnetic simulations of electrodeposited Co nanotube arrays”, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 053904 (2014) [2014. 8]
27. Sangho Lee, Taejin Bae, and Jongill Hong, “Modified analytical method for evaluation of unpatterned double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions”, Applied Physics Letters 104, 263502 [2014. 6]
28. Sanghoon Kim, Soogil Lee, and Jongill Hong, “An Array of Ferromagnetic Nanoislands Nondestructively Patterned via a Local Phase Transformation by Low-Energy Proton Irradiation”, ACS NANO, vol 8, no. 5. 4698-4704 [2014. 5]
29. Jongkoo Lim, Jangyup Son, and Jongill Hong, “Soft Magnetic Properties of Conetic Co-Sputtered with Aluminum”, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 20 551 [2014. 5]
30. Taejin Bae, Sangho Lee, and Jongill Hong, “Determination of probe spacings for the precise evaluation of electrical characteristics of a magnetic tunnel junction by in-house current-in-plane tunneling measurements”, Current Applied Physics 14 528-532, [2014. 03.]
31. Minkyung Choi, Jangyup Son, and Jongill Hong, “In-situ Raman spectroscopy of current-carrying graphene microbridge”, J. Raman Spectrosc. 2014, 45, 168-172, [2014. 02.]
32. Jungho Ko, Taejin Bae, and Jongill Hong, “Effects of a change in thickness on the structural and perpendicular magnetic properties of L10 ordered FePd ultra-thin films with (001) texture”, Journal of applied physics, 112, 113919 [2012. 12.]
33. Taejin Bae, Sangho Lee, and Jongill Hong, “Effects of magnetic seed-layers on the structural and magnetic properties of Co2MnSi Heusler alloy”, Materials chemistry and physics, 136 577-581, [2012. 10.]
34. Sanghoon Kim, Soogil Lee, Jungho Ko, Jangyup Son, Minseok Kim, Shinill Kang, and Jongill Hong, "Nanoscale patterning of complex magnetic nanostructures by reduction with low-energy protons" Nature nanotechnology, 7 567-571 [2012. 09.]
35. Doohwan Myung, Jongill Hong, Kyungjoong Yoon, Byungkook Kim, Haeweon Lee, Jongho Lee, Jiwon Son, "The effect of an ultra-thin zirconia blocking layer on the performance of a 1-μm-thick gadolinia-doped ceria electrolyte solid-oxide fuel cell", Journal of power sources 206 91-96 [2012. 05. 15]
36. Jangyup Son, Jongkoo Lim, Jungho Ko, Sanghoon Kim, Soogil Lee, and Jongill Hong, "A study on the sensitivity of a spin valve with Conetic-based free layers", Japaness Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, p 033002 [2012. 03]
37. Yoonsung Han, Jinhee Han, Hyoungjoon Choi, Hyunjoon Shin, Jongill Hong, "Effect of Diffused B During Annealing on the Electronic Structure of the MgO Barrier in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Magnetic Tunnel Junctions," Applied Physics Express 5 033001 [2012. 03]
38. Sang Chul Shin, Sanghoon Kim, Jungjin Han, Jongill Hong, and Shinill Kang “Effect of the Acceleration Energy of Hydrogen Ion irradiation on Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in CoOx/Pd Multilayer Films” Applied physics express, Vol. 4, p 116501 [2011. 10. 17]
39. Yoonsung Han, Jinhee Han, Hyoungjoon Choi, Hyunjoon Shin, Jongill Hong, "Microscopic and electronic roles of B in CoFeB-based magnetic tunnel junctions," Journal of materials chemistry, Vol. 21, p 14967-14970 [2011. 10. 14]
40. Joonyong Kim, Sanghoon Kim, Sangho Lee, and Jongill Hong, "Domain wll types and field-induced domain wall motion in L-shaped nanowires", Thin solid films, Vol.519, p 8263-8265 [2011. 09. 30]
41. Sangho Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Jaeyong Kang, Jongill Hong, "Effect of various single metallic seed-layers on the magnetic properties of Co/Pd multilayers," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519, p8363-8366 [2011. 09. 30]
42. Jungho Ko, Jangyup Son, Soogil Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Jongill Hong, "Effects of MgO and MgO/Pd seed-layers on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of CoPd thin films," Thin Solid Films, Vol. 519, p8252-8255 [2011. 09. 30]
43. Jangyup Son, Soogil Lee, Sangho Lee, Sanghoon Kim, and Jongill Hong, "Dependence of exchange coupling direction on cooling-field strength, "Journal fo Applied Physics, 110, 053908 [2011. 09. 09]
44. Doohwan Myung, Jaeyeon Hwang, Jongill Hong, HaeWeon Lee, Byungkook Kim, Jongho Lee, and Jiwon Son, "Pulsed laser deposition of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ nano-composite and its application to gradient-structured thin-film cathode of SOFC," Journal of the electrochemical society, 158 (8) B1000-B1006 [2011. 06. 14]
45. Sanghoon Kim, Sangho Lee, Joonyong Kim, Jaeyong Kang, and Jongill Hong, "Microstructures and perpendicular magnetic properties of Co/Pd multilayers on various metal/MgO seed-layers," Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 07B766 [2011. 04. 12]
46. Jangyup Son, Soogil Lee, Sanghoon Kim, Yoonsung Han, and Jongill Hong, "Angular dependence of the exchange bias direction and giant magnetioresistance on different cooling-field strengths," Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 07D721. [2011. 03. 28]
47. Sangho Lee, Yoonsung Han, Taejin Bae, Jongill Hong, Jaechul Shim, Eunsik Kim, and Kukhyun Sunwoo, "On-film tunneling resistance measurements of unpatterned magnetic tunnel junctions," Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 093902. [2010. 11. 02]
48. Soogil Lee, Yoonsung Han, Sanghoon Kim, and Jongill Hong, “Anisotropy dispersion in the exchange-biased pinned layer of a spin valve prepared by 550 eV hydrogen-ion irradiation,” Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 07D719. [2009. 03. 11]
49. Jaechul Shim, Yoonsung Han, Jinwon Lee, and Jongill Hong, “Improvement in both giant magnetoresistance and exchange bias through hydrogen ion irradiation at low energy,“ Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 053115. [2008. 09. 09]
50. Yoonsung Han, Sanghoon Kim, Sangho Lee, Jongill Hong, Dong Ryeol Lee, Hyun Hwi Lee, Yong Jun Park, and Hoojeong Lee, “Effects of H-ion irradiation on the properties of a spin valve,” Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 07B521. [2008. 03. 06]
41. Namseok Lee, Jeongwon Han, Jiseok Lim, Minseok Choi, Yoonsung Han, Jongill Hong, and Shinill Kang. “Injection Molding of Nanopillars for Perpendicular Patterned Magnetic Media with Metallic Nanostamp,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47 (2008) 1803. [2008. 03. 14]
42. Yoonsung Han, Sangho Lee, Sunghoon Kim, Jinwon Lee, Ahram Kim, and Jongill Hong, "Magnetic switching instability of ultrathin magnetic films under crossing pulse fields with duration shorter than relaxation time," Physica Status Solidi (a) 204 (2007) 3979. [2007. 12. 14]
43. Jongill Hong, Donkoun Lee, Yoonsung Han, Kyenam Lee, Inwoo Jang, Youngjin Park, Min Kyu Lee, Ha Jin Song, Hyun-Joon Shin, Koji Tsunekawa, and Naoki Watanabe, "Difference between chemical structures of the interface at the Al-oxide tunneling barrier prepared by plasma or by radical oxidation," Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 7632. [2007. 07. 15]
44. Jangsik In, Sanghoon kim, Jaeyong Kang, Ajay Tiwari, and Jongill Hong, "Effects of a Au-Cu back layer on the properties of spin valves," Journal of Magnetics 12(3) (2007) 118-123 [2007. 06. 11]
45. Jangsik In, Yoonsung Han, Jaechul Shim, Sunghoon Kim, and Jongill Hong, "Substantial enhancement in the performance of a spin valve through the ultra-thin insertion of partially oxidized Fe," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (2007) 3038. [2007. 05. 04]
46. Jangsik In, Yoonsung Han, Sunghoon Kim, Jaechul Shin, and Jongill Hong, "The properties of spin valves with a partially oxidized Fe or CoFe ultre-thin layer inserted in the magnetic layers," Journal of Magnetics 11(3) (2006) 115-118
47. DonKoun Lee, Jangsic In, and Jongill Hong, "Effect of thermal treatment on AlOx/Co90Fe10 interface of magnetic tunnel junctions prepared by radical oxidation," Journal of Magnetics 10(4) (2005) 137-141
48. Donkoun Lee, and Jongill Hong, "The redistribution of oxygen at AlOx/CoFe interface of magnetic tunnel junctions through thermal treatment," Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 093905
49. Namseok Lee Youngkyu Kim, Shinill Kang, and Jongill Hong, "Fabrication of metallic nano-stamper and replication of nano-patterned substrate for patterned media," Nanotechnology 15 (2004) 901
50. Jongill Hong, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Effects of various sub-monolayers on the properties of spin valve with a Co90Fe10 free layer," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42 (2003) 7296.
51. Jongill Hong, Youngjun Lee, Min Kyu Lee, Ha Jin Song, Hyun-Joon Shin, Yonggoo Yoo, and Jeongdae Suh, "Chemical states of Co and Fe in a specularly reflective oxide layer in spin valves," Applied Physics Letter 83 (2003) 4803.
52. Jongill Hong, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Design of specularly reflective layers in spin valves," Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 3288.
53. Jongill Hong, Kenji Noma, Eiichi Kanda, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Very large giant magnetoresistance of spin valve with specularly reflective layers," Applied Physics Letter 83 (2003) 960.
54. Jongill Hong, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Interlayer exchange coupling in spin valves with specularly reflective oxide layers," Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 2095.
55. Jongill Hong, Junichi Kane, Junichi Hashimoto, Michinaga Yamagishi, Kenji Noma, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Spin-valve head with specularly reflective oxide layers for over 100 Gb/in2," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 38 (2002) 15.
56. Jongill Hong, and Shan X. Wang, "Microstructures of FeTaN films in the neck region of magnetic recording heads," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 37 (2001) 3039.
57. Jongill Hong, Kenji Noma, Hitoshi Kanai, and Junichi Kane, "Magnetic and electrical properties of spin valve with single and double specular oxide layers," Journal of Applied Physics 89 (2001) 6940.
58. Jongill Hong, Kenichi Aoshima, Junichi Kane, Kenji Noma, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Effect of thin oxide capping on interlayer coupling in spin valves," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (2000) 2629.
59. Kenichi Aoshima, Jongill Hong, and Hitoshi Kanai, "Magnetostriction of free layer in top-type and bottom-type spin-valve films," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (2000) 3226.
60. Shan X. Wang, Kyusik Sin, Jongill Hong, and Lee Nguyentran, "Magnetic properties, microstructures and corrosion resistance of high saturation FeMoN and FeRhN films for recording heads," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (2000) 513.
61. Jongill Hong, Akio Furukawa, Nianxiang Sun, Shan X. Wang, and Craig A. Grimes, "Magnetic properties and high frequency response of high moment FeTaN/AlN laminates for high data rate recording," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (1999) 2502.
62. Shan X. Wang, and Jongill Hong, "Magnetic and microstructural characterization of FeTaN high saturation materials for recording heads," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 35 (1999) 782.
63. Jongill Hong, Shan X. Wang, and Katrina Rook, "Texture and magnetic properties of FeTaN films bias-deposited on sloping surfaces," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 (1998) 1444.
64. Shan X. Wang, Jongill Hong, and Kyusik Sin, "Microstructures and properties of high saturation soft magnetic materials for advanced recording heads," High density magnetic recording and integrated magneto-optics: materials and devices: MRS Symposium Proceedings 517 (1998) 5.
65. Lee Nguyentran, Kyusik Sin, Jongill Hong, Patrick P. Pizzo, and Shan X. Wang, "Corrosion resistance of low coercivity, high moment FeXN (X=Rh, Mo) thin films head materials," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 33 (1997) 2848.
66. Jongill Hong, Lee Nguyentran, Kyusik Sin, Patrick P. Pizzo, and Shan X. Wang, "soft magnetic properties of FeRhN high moment thin films," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 33 (1997) 2845.
67. Jongill Hong, Eric Kay, and Shan X. Wang, "Granular magnetic cobalt metal/polymer thin film systems," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 (1996) 4475.