
Here are the directions to
Yonsei University.

Cheolmin Park
  • 1992

    B.S., Dept. Textile Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea

  • 1995

    M.S., Dept. Fiber and Polymer Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea

  • 2001

    Ph.D., Dept. Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, USA

  • 2001. 07 - 2002. 08

    Harvard 대학 화학생물과, 박사 후 연구원

  • 2002. 09 - 현재

    연세대학교 신소재공학과, 교수

  • 2014. 03 - 2017. 02

    연세대학교 언더우드 특훈교수

  • 2017. 01 - 현재

    한국연구재단 미래소재디스커버리 사업단, 사업단장

  • 2020. 01 - 현재

    한국고분자학회, 한국유연인쇄전자학회 이사, 부회장

Research Interests
The research group seeks to utilize the molecular self-assembly principles found in Nature to create and control new nanometer scale soft and hybrid materials for innovative electrical devices based on emerging nanotechnology. The research interest covers from molecular design, assembly to nanopatterns and devices including self-organizing polymer systems and nanostructures, with particular emphasis on functional block copolymer materials; non-lithographic nanoimprinting and contact printing combined with surface engineering; ultrahigh density ferroelectric polymer memory, carbon nanotube assembly & composite and organic light emitting diode and transistor. The goal is to contribute to the understanding of process-structure-property relationships and to create technologically useful materials and devices.

1) Human-Interactive Wearable Display
2) Photonic Crystal based on Block Copolymer Self-assembly
3) Fuel Cell
4) Ion-exchange Membranes
5) Neuromorphic Synapse Memory Device
Selected Publications
Wireless Stand-Alone Trimodal Interactive Display Enabled by Direct Capacitive Coupling, Adv. Mater. 34, 2204760 (2022)* (Inside Front Cover)

Visualization of Nonsingular Defects Enabling Rapid Control of Structural Color, Sci. Adv. eabm5120 (2022)*

Conductor-Free Anode of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets Self-Assembled with Graft Polymer Li-Ion Channels, Adv. Energy Mater. 11, 2003243 (2021)* (Front Cover)

3D Motion Tracking Display Enabled by Magneto-interactive Electroluminescence, Nat. Commun. 11, 6072 (2020)*

3D Touchless Multiorder Reflection Structural Color Sensing Display, Sci. Adv. 6, eabb5769 (2020)*

Sensing and Memorising Liquids with Polarity Interactive Ferroelectric Sound, Nat. Commun. 10, 3575 (2019)*

Organic Light Emitting Board for Dynamic Interactive Display, Nat. Commun. 8, 14964 (2017)*